Faiths in Contrast: Christianity vs. Latter-day Saints

Faiths in Contrast: Christianity vs. Latter-day Saints

In comparing Christianity with LDS beliefs, it's crucial to discern the fundamental disparities in theological frameworks and interpretations of core Christian doctrines. While surface-level similarities in terminology may exist, such as "God," "Jesus," and "atonement," the underlying meanings and narratives diverge profoundly. Christianity centers on the sovereignty of God, the total depravity of humanity, and salvation by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Conversely, LDS theology introduces unique doctrines, including the concept of eternal progression, which fundamentally alters traditional Christian understandings of God and humanity. Moreover, while Christianity emphasises salvation by grace alone and the sufficiency of Christ's atonement, LDS doctrine incorporates elements of works-based salvation and additional scriptures beyond the Bible. These discrepancies underscore the importance of theological clarity and discernment when engaging with different religious perspectives.
An Open Letter to Jesus

An Open Letter to Jesus

Dear Jesus, Hope this letter finds you well, wherever you are these days. We thought it might be good to touch base and update you on how things are going down here on Earth. You know, since you left and all. The Church (Earth Branch)
A Divine Guide to Christian WhatsApp Etiquette

A Divine Guide to Christian WhatsApp Etiquette

An analysis of Christian behaviour on WhatsApp, the article dissects various archetypes, from the Mystic Ticker to the Weekend Worshipper, shedding light on their peculiar messaging habits. The narrative concludes with a divine guide urging Christians to respond promptly, maintain consistent communication, avoid leech-like behaviour, and carry the spirit of Sunday throughout the week.
Biblical Authority in a Secular Age

Biblical Authority in a Secular Age

The article explores the pervasive influence of secular ideologies on the Christian mindset in contemporary society. It delves into the consequences of prioritising personal perspectives over biblical authority, citing the impact of a 'Hollywood theology' and a secularised ethical approach.
Pastors Catching the “Comparisonitis” Bug

Pastors Catching the “Comparisonitis” Bug

"Covetitis: When Pastors Yearn for Ministry Magic Beyond Scripture's Logic!" There is a strong temptation for pastors in today's environment, with the proliferation of social media and internet platforms, to compare their ministries to those of their peers. It's possible they'll envy another pastor or ministry's apparent success, popularity, or influence. Envy and covetousness have always been a problem, even in biblical times. However, if your desire extends beyond looks and causes you to compromise biblical truth, you are in danger.
How many meanings are there in a Biblical Text?

How many meanings are there in a Biblical Text?

Scripture becomes, as Martin Luther put it, a wax nose that can be shaped into whatever form the interpreter likes. When this happens, the interpreter cannot be corrected by the text; rather, the interpreter becomes lord over the text.” Therefore, when we seek to discover the meaning of scripture we are seeking the plain meaning as the original author intended.
The Timeless Jesus

The Timeless Jesus

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”. Therefore, there are no impossibilities of time and space for what Jesus Christ was He is, and what He is, He was.
Don’t Preach to their Ears!

Don’t Preach to their Ears!

He who hopes to preach so as to please everybody must be newly come to the ministry; and he who aims at such an object would do well speedily to leave its ranks.
Union with Christ

Union with Christ

Believers have even now been incorporated into the consummation of their union with Christ in the eschaton: “future glory . . . will be nothing other than the continued unfolding of the riches of our union with Christ.”
Divine Authorship of Scripture

Divine Authorship of Scripture

Many times Christians find themselves frustrated by their attempts to live ethical lives. They feel helpless and impotent to do what is right and good. In such situations it is a great encouragement to know that learning the Scriptures, reminding ourselves of them, even meditating on the Scriptures, is not an exercise in futility.
Sufficiency of Scripture

Sufficiency of Scripture

Most basically, to say that Scripture is "sufficient" is to say that it is able to fulfill the purposes for which it was written. But not surprisingly, this simple idea becomes complicated because it is hard for Christians to agree on what the purpose of Scripture actually is.