Church is More Than Just a Sunday Show

Church is More Than Just a Sunday Show

More Than Just a Sunday Show! Here, we're not just about singing hymns and nodding off during sermons. No sir, we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of Ephesians 4:13, where unity, knowledge, and the fullness of Christ are our jam. And don't even get us started on Philippians 3:15 – it's like a call to arms for the spiritually mature thinkers among us. But hey, if you've ever felt like a disconnected limb in the body of Christ, fear not! We're calling out the lack of discipleship faster than you can say "Colossians 1:28." Because let's face it, if our leaders are just regurgitating institutionalised mumbo-jumbo without real-life experience, how are they supposed to help us navigate the messy terrain of relationships and past shame?
Examining the Notion that you are “Little Gods” 😂😂🤪

Examining the Notion that you are “Little Gods” 😂😂🤪

The doctrine of "little gods" presents a theological challenge to orthodox Christian beliefs, diverging from foundational principles rooted in Scripture. While proponents of this doctrine often cite passages such as Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34-36 to support their assertions regarding humanity's divine potential, critical examination reveals significant contradictions with biblical truth. As Christians engage in theological dialogue and interpretation, it is imperative to uphold the truth of God's Word and remain grounded in the foundational principles of Christian faith.
Faiths in Contrast: Christianity vs. Latter-day Saints

Faiths in Contrast: Christianity vs. Latter-day Saints

In comparing Christianity with LDS beliefs, it's crucial to discern the fundamental disparities in theological frameworks and interpretations of core Christian doctrines. While surface-level similarities in terminology may exist, such as "God," "Jesus," and "atonement," the underlying meanings and narratives diverge profoundly. Christianity centers on the sovereignty of God, the total depravity of humanity, and salvation by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Conversely, LDS theology introduces unique doctrines, including the concept of eternal progression, which fundamentally alters traditional Christian understandings of God and humanity. Moreover, while Christianity emphasises salvation by grace alone and the sufficiency of Christ's atonement, LDS doctrine incorporates elements of works-based salvation and additional scriptures beyond the Bible. These discrepancies underscore the importance of theological clarity and discernment when engaging with different religious perspectives.
An Open Letter to Jesus

An Open Letter to Jesus

Dear Jesus, Hope this letter finds you well, wherever you are these days. We thought it might be good to touch base and update you on how things are going down here on Earth. You know, since you left and all. The Church (Earth Branch)
Timeless Mission of Discipleship

Timeless Mission of Discipleship

Christians should understand that the essence of discipleship lies in embracing the teachings of Jesus Christ and following His example. This entails a commitment to upholding the integrity of biblical principles, even if they stand in contrast to prevailing cultural norms. Instead of conforming to the ever-changing landscape of pop culture, churches should remain steadfast in proclaiming the unchanging truths of the Gospel.
Unveiling the Symbolism of the Ambulance’s Serpent on a Pole

Unveiling the Symbolism of the Ambulance’s Serpent on a Pole

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, symbols often pass by unnoticed, their deeper meanings obscured by the rush of modernity. One such symbol, seemingly commonplace yet steeped in profound biblical significance, is the image of a serpent entwined around a pole—the very emblem adorning ambulances worldwide. While many may overlook this symbol as mere medical insignia, its roots delve deep into ancient scriptures, carrying echoes of divine judgment and boundless mercy.
Exposing the Decline: Brain-drain in Bible Doctrine

Exposing the Decline: Brain-drain in Bible Doctrine

The void created by the lack of basic Bible doctrine in churches is a pressing concern that demands attention. It’s imperative to shift the focus back to the essence of shepherding, rooted in authentic leadership and a commitment to imparting the timeless truths found in scripture. By doing so, churches can foster a spiritually robust congregation, less susceptible to the pitfalls of marketing and manipulative leadership methodologies.
A Divine Guide to Christian WhatsApp Etiquette

A Divine Guide to Christian WhatsApp Etiquette

An analysis of Christian behaviour on WhatsApp, the article dissects various archetypes, from the Mystic Ticker to the Weekend Worshipper, shedding light on their peculiar messaging habits. The narrative concludes with a divine guide urging Christians to respond promptly, maintain consistent communication, avoid leech-like behaviour, and carry the spirit of Sunday throughout the week.
Biblical Authority in a Secular Age

Biblical Authority in a Secular Age

The article explores the pervasive influence of secular ideologies on the Christian mindset in contemporary society. It delves into the consequences of prioritising personal perspectives over biblical authority, citing the impact of a 'Hollywood theology' and a secularised ethical approach.
The Economy of Christian Compassion

The Economy of Christian Compassion

As we witness the integration of worldly methodologies, concerns arise about the potential commodification of spiritual experiences. The meticulous measurement of time and efforts within the church context raises questions about whether the focus on quantifiable outputs aligns harmoniously with the fundamental principles of communal worship.
Inclusive Pews, Exclusive Pulpit

Inclusive Pews, Exclusive Pulpit

#ParableReflection: The wheat and weeds story resonates in today's diverse Church, a mix of committed followers and nominal believers. Upholding realistic expectations, the parable cautions against futile efforts to eradicate hypocrisy through evangelism. Let's embrace the Church's complexity, recognising that transformation awaits Christ's return. #ChurchDiversity #RealChristianity #ChristReturn #EncouragementInParables #brendonnaicker #swindonchurch #joburgchurch #londoncitychurch #theologyschool
Trinity Misinformation

Trinity Misinformation

Central to the doctrine of the Trinity is the distinction between person and essence. God is one with respect to essence and three with respect to person. In fact we might say that with God, there is one “what” and three “who’s”.
Legalism and Antinomianism in Focus

Legalism and Antinomianism in Focus

The cross emerges as the ultimate remedy, breaking the shackles of self-righteousness and lawlessness. This journey beckons us to guard doctrinal integrity, echoing the Apostle Paul’s proclamation: “I have been crucified with Christ.” With insight and grace, we navigate the theological terrain, ensuring that Christ’s glory remains untarnished in our lives.
Application for Bible Reading Program 2024

Application for Bible Reading Program 2024

Join Brendon Naicker’s discipleship 2024 Bible reading program. This journey through the year will ensures your commitment to reading or listening to the Bible stays unwavering throughout the year. With his guidance, you’ll receive daily motivation, creative strategies, and a sense of accountability, making this journey not just a resolution but a fulfilling, consistent practice.
Examining Women’s Authority in Faith and Leadership

Examining Women’s Authority in Faith and Leadership

The debate on women's authority, rooted in biblical passages like 1 Timothy 2:12, involves complementarian and egalitarian perspectives. Complementarians advocate for a structured hierarchy based on verses like Ephesians 5:22-24, designating leadership roles for men. Egalitarians take a broader view, considering cultural contexts and emphasizing women's significant roles in biblical narratives. While acknowledging historical patriarchal norms, advocates for gender equality argue that the Christian message of love and equality should transcend gender-based limitations on leadership roles. Navigating this nuanced debate involves critical conversations, exploring diverse academic perspectives, and delving into the historical context of biblical texts to unravel complexities surrounding women's roles in the church and reflect on the intersection of faith and authority in Christian theology.
When Jesus Crashes the Broke Party

When Jesus Crashes the Broke Party

Just as the five loaves and two fish were more than enough to feed thousands, we are reminded that when we trust in Christ and have faith, even in times of financial or emotional scarcity, we are never truly “broke.” Christ provides for us in ways we may not always understand, but His abundance is limitless.
Church Abuses in Kenya and the need for Accountability and Reform

Church Abuses in Kenya and the need for Accountability and Reform

Kenya's churches are facing a grave situation. This blog shines a light on the bleak reality of church abuses and calls for prompt action. It emphasises the importance of responsibility, transparency, and justice in restoring faith in religious organisations. Taking a Christian stance, the site highlights the significance of returning to authentic Gospel principles, helping survivors, and cultivating an integrity culture. Let us tackle these atrocities head on, unearth the truth, and work together to bring healing, restoration, and a brighter future to Kenya's Christian community.
The Reality of Religious Institutions …The Divine Divide

The Reality of Religious Institutions …The Divine Divide

In this blog, we delve deep into issues facing religious institutions, unraveling the truth behind their waning influence. No matter your beliefs or background, join us as we explore the reasons why people from all walks of life are turning away from churches. From issues like nepotism, the pursuit of wealth, and shallow relationships to the formation of exclusive cliques and incompetent leadership, we shed light on the uncomfortable realities that have shaken the faith of countless individuals. Brace yourself for an honest and critical examination of the challenges facing religious communities today.
Saturday Worship: A Sabbath Stuck in Time or a Day of Divine Delight?

Saturday Worship: A Sabbath Stuck in Time or a Day of Divine Delight?

In the early days of Christianity, a significant transition took place as the observance of the Sabbath gave way to the practice of honouring the Lord's Day. This shift from Saturday to Sunday worship sparked theological discussions and raised questions about the historical and practical aspects of early Christian traditions. Some believers, particularly those rooted in Jewish traditions, continued to adhere to Sabbath observance alongside their newfound faith in Christ. However, theological justifications emerged, arguing that Christ's fulfillment of the Sabbath commandment rendered strict observance unnecessary. Instead, Christians were encouraged to embody holiness every day. The Lord's Day, named for its eschatological significance and joyful anticipation of Christ's second coming, became the focal point of Christian gatherings. Controversies arose regarding the timing of worship, the computation of days, and the gradual nature of the transition. Understanding this historical and theological shift sheds light on the foundations of Christian worship and the evolution of early Christian practises.
Unfriending Temptation: Pastors Breaking Free from Explicit Content on Social Media

Unfriending Temptation: Pastors Breaking Free from Explicit Content on Social Media

Are you ready to dive into a captivating journey of redemption and freedom? In our latest blog, we delve into a topic rarely discussed but of utmost importance: pastors' battle against addiction to explicit content on social media. Discover the shocking progression, the consequences, and most importantly, the steps to finding deliverance and restoration in Christ.
Unveiling Immaturity in Church Leadership

Unveiling Immaturity in Church Leadership

Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the unsettling reality of immaturity within church leadership. Together, let us uncover the root causes, explore the implications, and pave the way for a revival of true spiritual authority within the church.
Exposing the Unbiblical Church Partnership Scheme

Exposing the Unbiblical Church Partnership Scheme

In today's fast-paced world, ministries are facing new challenges as they strive to fulfill their mission and impact lives. One of the most significant shifts observed in recent years is the increasing dependence on financial donations, raising concerns about the potential dilution of faith and its implications for spiritual growth.
Pastors Catching the “Comparisonitis” Bug

Pastors Catching the “Comparisonitis” Bug

"Covetitis: When Pastors Yearn for Ministry Magic Beyond Scripture's Logic!" There is a strong temptation for pastors in today's environment, with the proliferation of social media and internet platforms, to compare their ministries to those of their peers. It's possible they'll envy another pastor or ministry's apparent success, popularity, or influence. Envy and covetousness have always been a problem, even in biblical times. However, if your desire extends beyond looks and causes you to compromise biblical truth, you are in danger.
Navigating the Worship Wave without Losing the Word

Navigating the Worship Wave without Losing the Word

As the current generation of Christians works to improve the Church by instituting novel forms of worship, it is essential that any changes be carefully assessed for their potential to distort the Bible's message. There is a need for vigilance to ensure that the depth and theological richness found in the Word of God is not compromised by the addition of music, technology, and interactive prayer, all of which can enrich the worship experience.
From Pulpits to Purses

From Pulpits to Purses

True spiritual growth cannot be measured by material possessions. Money can't buy love, joy, or any of the other fruit of the Spirit. So, let's set aside the misguided notion that wealth equates to divine favour and refocus on what truly matters—setting our mind on the things of God which brings true life and peace.
African Mindsets to Escaping the Handout Shackles

African Mindsets to Escaping the Handout Shackles

The problem of Africa's "handout slave mentality" necessitates a new way of thinking. Individuals can escape the cycle of dependency and embrace growth by rediscovering the true meaning of hospitality. Thus, encouraging self-sufficiency with an attitude of gratitude to what God has already provided and not the desire to have that which isn’t yours—also known as covetousness—
Finding Faith in the Eleventh Hour

Finding Faith in the Eleventh Hour

In moments of crisis, when uncertainty looms and perilous situations unfold, even the staunchest agnostic may find themselves seeking solace and guidance through prayer. While the effectiveness of prayer remains a subject of debate, many have reported experiencing an unexplainable sense of peace and comfort in their darkest hours. However, waiting until these moments of desperation to explore matters of faith can be risky. Instead, consider the words of Jesus Christ, who stated that He is the way, the truth, and the life. By examining the life, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus, one may discover a path that transcends fleeting moments of crisis and offers a solid foundation for faith.
Entertained but Empty

Entertained but Empty

While incorporating alternative entertainment, churches must ensure they remain aligned with the core principles of the Great Commission, focusing on spreading the Gospel and nurturing spiritual growth. By striking a balance between entertainment and spiritual objectives, churches can create authentic worship experiences that inspire the younger generation, promote discipleship, and maintain a holistic approach to their ministries.
Culture Clash: Unmasking the Curry of Unchristian Behaviours in Indian Christianity

Culture Clash: Unmasking the Curry of Unchristian Behaviours in Indian Christianity

Within the tapestry of Indian Christianity, the vibrant colours of culture intermingle with the threads of faith. However, in the midst of this beautiful fusion, we must acknowledge that certain unchristian behaviours have found their way into churches today. Influenced by the cultural landscape of India, these behaviours can distort the true essence of Christianity and hinder its transformative power. From caste-based discrimination to ritualistic practices, the unmasking of these behaviours is crucial for fostering an authentic expression of the Christian faith. #indianchristianity
Unmasking the “Dragon” in the Pew: Addressing Unchristian Traditions in Chinese Christianity

Unmasking the “Dragon” in the Pew: Addressing Unchristian Traditions in Chinese Christianity

Picture a vibrant Chinese church, its pews filled with believers passionately worshiping, their hearts aflame with faith. But hidden among the congregation lurks a subtle intruder—an uninvited guest. It goes by many names: syncretism, cultural assimilation, or even folklore. This mischievous presence, like a wily dragon, weaves its way into the tapestry of Chinese Christianity, bringing with it unchristian traditions that threaten to dilute the purity of the faith. It is time to unmask this dragon in the pew, exposing its influence and charting a course towards a more faithful expression of Chinese Christianity.
Exploring the Challenges Faced by Pastors

Exploring the Challenges Faced by Pastors

Pastors who have lost their faith or passion for ministry can feel isolated and alone. However, they are not alone, and there is hope for restoration. By seeking support, taking time off, reconnecting with God, and reevaluating their ministry, pastors can regain their passion for ministry and continue to serve their congregants with renewed vigor and purpose.
Unmasking the Unholy Beast of Racism within Church Walls

Unmasking the Unholy Beast of Racism within Church Walls

The issue of subconscious racism in The church leadership selection is a challenging one that requires careful examination and introspection. By considering the possibility of subconscious bias in their own church's leadership selection process and challenging cultural and societal beliefs that may be contributing to unconscious biases, individuals can work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse church community.
Profit Pulpits: The Divine Dilemma of Pastors and Church Finances

Profit Pulpits: The Divine Dilemma of Pastors and Church Finances

Pastors who view the church's income as their own can create numerous problems for the church and its congregation. Financial mismanagement, lack of transparency, and damage to the sense of community can all occur as a result of this attitude. However, through financial training, clear policies and procedures, and transparency and accountability, churches can ensure that their pastors understand their role in financial matters and work towards the betterment of the church and its congregation.
Rethinking the Role of Church Leaders in Light of Scripture

Rethinking the Role of Church Leaders in Light of Scripture

While there have certainly been instances of hierarchy in the church throughout history, there have also been voices that have pushed back against this and advocated for a more egalitarian model. From the earliest days of the church, Jesus' emphasis on servant leadership has been a powerful influence on Christian thought, and this has continued to shape the way that Christians think about church leadership today.
Beyond the Collection Plate: When Faith meets Commerce

Beyond the Collection Plate: When Faith meets Commerce

By prioritising growth, profitability, and efficiency over spiritual growth and community building, churches run the risk of becoming shallow, insular, and authoritarian. Instead, leaders should strive to follow the example of Jesus, who emphasised the importance of love, service, and humility in all aspects of life.
“Ready or Not: Understanding the ‘Thief in the Night’ Concept in 1 Thessalonians 5:2”

“Ready or Not: Understanding the ‘Thief in the Night’ Concept in 1 Thessalonians 5:2”

Ultimately, the last days when people spend time drinking and getting married, not knowing when Jesus would return, is a reminder that life is short and that we should make the most of the time we have. Whether we choose to focus on the fear of the future or the joy of the present, we should strive to live our lives with purpose and meaning, always ready for whatever surprises the future may hold.