Culture Clash: Unmasking the Curry of Unchristian Behaviours in Indian Christianity

Culture Clash: Unmasking the Curry of Unchristian Behaviours in Indian Christianity

Within the tapestry of Indian Christianity, the vibrant colours of culture intermingle with the threads of faith. However, in the midst of this beautiful fusion, we must acknowledge that certain unchristian behaviours have found their way into churches today. Influenced by the cultural landscape of India, these behaviours can distort the true essence of Christianity and hinder its transformative power. From caste-based discrimination to ritualistic practices, the unmasking of these behaviours is crucial for fostering an authentic expression of the Christian faith. #indianchristianity
Unmasking the “Dragon” in the Pew: Addressing Unchristian Traditions in Chinese Christianity

Unmasking the “Dragon” in the Pew: Addressing Unchristian Traditions in Chinese Christianity

Picture a vibrant Chinese church, its pews filled with believers passionately worshiping, their hearts aflame with faith. But hidden among the congregation lurks a subtle intruder—an uninvited guest. It goes by many names: syncretism, cultural assimilation, or even folklore. This mischievous presence, like a wily dragon, weaves its way into the tapestry of Chinese Christianity, bringing with it unchristian traditions that threaten to dilute the purity of the faith. It is time to unmask this dragon in the pew, exposing its influence and charting a course towards a more faithful expression of Chinese Christianity.