How can we say that Jesus is the only way to God? is it not intolerant, exclusivist, and naïve to assume that only one religion could be correct. If claims about Jesus are true, then Jesus has more credentials to speak on eternal life than anyone. He is the only virgin-born, miracle-working, sinless, resurrected Son of God! You may not like the idea of Jesus being the only way, but if he truly is the Son of God and said he was the only way to salvation—can you afford to ignore his claim?
It would be nice if everybody could be right, but as simple reason and basic common sense tell us, all religions cannot be true in their core beliefs. By its very nature, truth is exclusive. If 1 + 1 = 2, then it doesn’t equal 3, 4, 5, and every other number. While all religions could possibly be wrong, it is not logically possible for all of them to be right when their claims differ so radically. Either they are all wrong or only one is right.
The chart “Basic Beliefs of Major Religions” shows that all religions, even by their own claims, differ from one another, having their own specific ideas of who God is (or is not) and how salvation may be attained. Many criticise Christianity for its exclusivity, but Christians are not the only group claiming to have the truth. Notice in the chart “Basic Beliefs of Major Religions” the attitudes of each religion toward the others. Four of the five religions claim exclusivity. They believe that all other religions are false. Hindus often do not claim exclusivity. In fact, many are happy to say that Christianity is true. But the key is what they mean by it.
Hindus believe all religions are true when they are subsumed within the Hindu system. In other words, Christianity is one medium by which people can experience reincarnation. But what Hindus don’t mean is that Christianity is true on its own terms. So, like adherents of all other religions, Hindus actually believe Christianity is false, thereby joining every other religious group (including atheists and agnostics) in the belief that only their own worldview is true. The chart “Basic Beliefs of Major Religions” shows that all religions, even by their own claims, differ from one another, having their own specific ideas of who God is (or is not) and how salvation may be attained. Many criticise Christianity for its exclusivity, but Christians are not the only group claiming to have the truth.
Notice in the chart “Basic Beliefs of Major Religions” the attitudes of each religion toward the others. Four of the five religions claim exclusivity. They believe that all other religions are false. Hindus often do not claim exclusivity. In fact, many are happy to say that Christianity is true. But the key is what they mean by it. Hindus believe all religions are true when they are subsumed within the Hindu system. In other words, Christianity is one medium by which people can experience reincarnation. But what Hindus don’t mean is that Christianity is true on its own terms. So, like adherents of all other religions, Hindus actually believe Christianity is false, thereby joining every other religious group (including atheists and agnostics) in the belief that only their own worldview is true.

And yet, in another sense, Christianity is not exclusive at all, but is the most inclusive religion. Christ invites all unto himself. Unlike Mithraism, which apparently excluded women, or Mormonism, which formerly excluded black people from the priesthood, the message of Jesus has always been for everyone.
Colossians 3:11 says, “In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us” (NLT). Christ makes no human distinctions—he died and rose again so that all people could have a personal relationship with the living God.
Christianity excludes no one who will believe, yet Christ himself offers the only way to be reconciled with God. As philosopher Stephen Davis explains, “The resurrection of Jesus, then, is God’s decisive proof that Jesus is not just a great religious teacher among all the great religious teachers in history. It is God’s sign that Jesus is not a religious charlatan among all the religious charlatans in the world. The resurrection is God’s way of pointing to Jesus and saying that he is the one in whom you are to believe. He is your savior. He alone is Lord.” The resurrection demonstrated the truth of what God the Father had said
about Jesus at his baptism: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). If you are an honest enquirer into the truth of Christianity, the resurrection of Jesus is a great place to begin.
c/f The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict