An irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God, proceeding from ignorance . . . a belief in magic or chance, or the like is the definition of superstition.
What did Jesus Preach?
The Gospels indicate that Jesus’ full humanity as David’s heir, and full divinity as the ruler of the universe, relate closely to his role as Christ and to the “good news” or “gospel” he announced.
Was Jesus a Real Person?
We have canonical evidence. We have extra-canonical evidence. We have evidence from Josephus. We have evidence from other early Christian sources that are not in the New Testament. We have evidence from the Roman historian Tacitus. We have evidence from Suetonius, and other roman historians, so we have both biblical and extra biblical evidence that Jesus existed. In addition to that, we have epigraphic evidence; we have archeological evidence.
What is the relationship between the gospel and the kingdom of God?
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel.” The gospel is the good news proclaiming that the reign of God’s kingdom has come into this world.
Is Jesus’ sonship similar to those born-again?
When Christians become disciples, become sons of God in that sense there is, of course, a kind of transformation, a kind of likeness with God that happens to us, but that of course is true with Christ in His capacity as Son in ways that go far beyond what any disciple of Christ can claim.
No Christianity Without Christ!
The divinity of Christ says, because He is Lord, because He is God, what He says about himself and about who we are and what the way of salvation is, is authoritative and final. Christianity is definitely Jesus. Without Jesus it would not exist.
Divinity of the Holy Spirit
He gives us the strength to say “no” to sin, and so, “yes” to God — say “yes” to God — and to say “yes” to obedience. And only God can do that. The Holy Spirit is God, and he does those mighty works in our lives and in our world. He rules over every event. He saves us, literally. He brings salvation that Jesus Christ earned into our lives and makes it ours. And He continues to change us until we meet Jesus someday.
How should we respond to the Holy Spirit in our worship and prayers?
Even though Christians insist that the Holy Spirit is fully divine, and that his works and personhood benefit us in many ways, we often don’t praise Him for these things in our worship, or even petition Him in our prayers.
How could Jesus be both fully human and fully divine?
Christ comes to unite the divine life that is lost in the fall of Adam, back to our humanity. Only if Christ is the one who can bring God and man together can we really say that we have been saved.
The Idea that One God is Trinity…
There should be no question that the doctrine of the Trinity is true to Scripture. But there should also be no question that it’s a difficult doctrine that took the church hundreds of years to define clearly.