Do you know of Constantine’s mother Helena?

Do you know of Constantine’s mother Helena?

The church is not trapped by the physical buildings that Helena started, but rather has continued to develop and adapt to new cultural and historical contexts. While these physical structures remain important symbols of the faith and an important part of Christian history and tradition, they are just one aspect of a vibrant and dynamic faith community that continues to grow and change over time.


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Jesus Found in Hindu Scriptures

Jesus Found in Hindu Scriptures

The Hindu portrayal of Jesus Christ can serve as a powerful defense for Christianity, highlighting the universal need and relevance of Jesus' teachings and the transformative power of his sacrifice on the cross to bring life to those dead to God.
Church has become a Building

Church has become a Building

Institutionalism is the process by which religious organisations become more focused on their own survival and maintenance rather than on the spiritual needs of their members.
From I Do to I Don’t in Troubled Marriages

From I Do to I Don’t in Troubled Marriages

Marriage is a sacred union between two imperfect individuals, and it is no surprise that troubled marriages are becoming increasingly common in today's society. However, as Christians, we have access to the guidance of God's word and the work of the Holy Spirit to help us navigate these challenges.
Silent Struggles: Helping Pastors Overcome Hidden Sins

Silent Struggles: Helping Pastors Overcome Hidden Sins

Pastors are not immune to temptation, and many may find themselves struggling with secret sins that they are too ashamed or afraid to bring to light. These silent struggles can be debilitating and isolating, leading to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt. As pastors, they may feel that they are not living up to the expectations of their congregation, their families, or even God. But the truth is that pastors are human, and they are not meant to carry the weight of their struggles alone. It is essential to seek help, support, and guidance from trusted individuals who can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for them to share their burdens. In this guide, we will explore the various types of secret sins that pastors may be struggling with, and provide practical advice and strategies for overcoming them. We will also discuss the importance of accountability and how to find trusted individuals who can serve as accountability partners. Remember, overcoming secret sins is a journey, and it requires courage, humility, and a willingness to seek help. With the right mindset and support, pastors can break free from their silent struggles and find freedom, joy, and renewed strength in their ministry.
The Church and Past Mistakes: Overcoming Judgment

The Church and Past Mistakes: Overcoming Judgment

One of the most critical teachings of Christianity is forgiveness and redemption. It is through these teachings that individuals are encouraged to seek a new path and make amends for their past actions. However, despite these teachings, some churches still judge individuals based on their past behaviour, particularly those who have had a troubled past. Such attitudes can have a profound impact on the spiritual growth and well-being of those individuals, as well as the church community as a whole. To overcome these issues, churches must embrace forgiveness and redemption fully and create an environment that is welcoming to all, regardless of their past behaviour.
Beyond Appearances: Prioritising Talent and Ability over Skin Colour in Church Settings

Beyond Appearances: Prioritising Talent and Ability over Skin Colour in Church Settings

The church is supposed to be a place where all believers are welcome, regardless of race, ethnicity, or social status. However, the reality is that prejudice and discrimination still exist in many churches, often leading to the unfair treatment of certain individuals or groups. In particular, the issue of prejudice treatment can arise when a person's giftings or talents are overlooked in favour of their skin colour.
Revive Your Outreach: Dynamic Evangelism Training Course

Revive Your Outreach: Dynamic Evangelism Training Course

The invitation of Jesus is a revolutionary call to fight for the heart of humanity. We are called to an unconventional war using only the weapons of faith, hope, and love. Nevertheless, this war is no less dangerous than any war ever fought. And for those of us who embrace the cause of Christ, the cost to participate in the mission of God is nothing less than everything we are and everything we have.
25th December…why?

25th December…why?

The Philocalian Calendar or Chronograph of 354 lists Rome's consuls from 255 to 352, Roman bishops from 255 to 352, and martyrs' anniversaries. It is the first document to mention Christmas. The list of martyrs begins with the birth of Christ on December 25, whereas the list of consuls begins on Friday, the fifteenth day of the new moon. The list of Roman bishops concludes with the two most recent bishops out of order, indicating that it was compiled in 336, before these additions, and that the city was already celebrating Christ's birth as a festival at the time.
How many meanings are there in a Biblical Text?

How many meanings are there in a Biblical Text?

Scripture becomes, as Martin Luther put it, a wax nose that can be shaped into whatever form the interpreter likes. When this happens, the interpreter cannot be corrected by the text; rather, the interpreter becomes lord over the text.” Therefore, when we seek to discover the meaning of scripture we are seeking the plain meaning as the original author intended.
Christological Heresies: EUTYCHIANISM

Christological Heresies: EUTYCHIANISM

A follower of Eutyches in the belief that the divine and the human in the person of Christ so blend as to constitute but one nature so that Christ is of two natures but not in two : monophysite
Christological Heresies: NESTORIANISM

Christological Heresies: NESTORIANISM

At Council of Chalcedon in 433. The assembled bishops declared Christ was two natures in one person. "We all with one voice confess our Lord Jesus Christ one and the same Son, at once complete in manhood, truly God and truly man, consisting of a reasonable soul and body; of one substance with the Father as regards his Godhead, of one substance with us as regards his manhood, like us in all things, apart from sin..."
Christological Heresies: APOLLINARIANISM

Christological Heresies: APOLLINARIANISM

Apollinarianism granted Christ a human body but not a complete human soul. But if Christ was to have a real incarnation it was necessary that He add to His divine nature not merely a human body but also a human mind or soul; for humanity consists not merely in the possession of a body but of a body and soul.
Christological Heresies: EBIONISM

Christological Heresies: EBIONISM

They believed in one God and taught that Jesus was the Messiah and was the true “prophet” mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15. They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. The Ebionites believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law.
Be a man!

Be a man!

An irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God, proceeding from ignorance . . . a belief in magic or chance, or the like is the definition of superstition.
What did Jesus Preach?

What did Jesus Preach?

The Gospels indicate that Jesus’ full humanity as David’s heir, and full divinity as the ruler of the universe, relate closely to his role as Christ and to the “good news” or “gospel” he announced.
Why Didn’t Christ Fight Back!

Why Didn’t Christ Fight Back!

After Jesus’ Farewell Discourse and final prayer, Jesus was arrested. But even though He knew He was going to be crucified, Jesus made no effort to avoid arrest. He allowed himself to be taken, beaten, and executed.
Was Jesus a Real Person?

Was Jesus a Real Person?

We have canonical evidence. We have extra-canonical evidence. We have evidence from Josephus. We have evidence from other early Christian sources that are not in the New Testament. We have evidence from the Roman historian Tacitus. We have evidence from Suetonius, and other roman historians, so we have both biblical and extra biblical evidence that Jesus existed. In addition to that, we have epigraphic evidence; we have archeological evidence.
Is Jesus’ sonship similar to those born-again?

Is Jesus’ sonship similar to those born-again?

When Christians become disciples, become sons of God in that sense there is, of course, a kind of transformation, a kind of likeness with God that happens to us, but that of course is true with Christ in His capacity as Son in ways that go far beyond what any disciple of Christ can claim.
No Christianity Without Christ!

No Christianity Without Christ!

The divinity of Christ says, because He is Lord, because He is God, what He says about himself and about who we are and what the way of salvation is, is authoritative and final. Christianity is definitely Jesus. Without Jesus it would not exist.
Divinity of the Holy Spirit

Divinity of the Holy Spirit

He gives us the strength to say “no” to sin, and so, “yes” to God — say “yes” to God — and to say “yes” to obedience. And only God can do that. The Holy Spirit is God, and he does those mighty works in our lives and in our world. He rules over every event. He saves us, literally. He brings salvation that Jesus Christ earned into our lives and makes it ours. And He continues to change us until we meet Jesus someday.
The Idea that One God is Trinity…

The Idea that One God is Trinity…

There should be no question that the doctrine of the Trinity is true to Scripture. But there should also be no question that it’s a difficult doctrine that took the church hundreds of years to define clearly.
Mentoring should not be Manipulation

Mentoring should not be Manipulation

Today’s mentoring processes have been largely replaced by the classroom experience. Instead of a stamp of approval by a mentor, the person receives final grades and a diploma. Knowledge has become more important than wisdom and character. The essence of mentoring is relationship. For the Christian leader, mentoring is the process of developing a man or woman to his or her maximum potential in Jesus Christ in every vocation.
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

A biblical view of spiritual warfare points to the final establishment of the kingdom of God throughout the whole universe. When we focus too much on the current battle, we lose sight of the cosmic picture in which the real story is not the battle, but the eternal reign of Christ. That vision transformed the early church, and it should be our focus in ministry today.
Can we call Jesus God?

Can we call Jesus God?

The Apostle John in affirming the deity of Jesus Christ in John 1:18, “No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known”. Thus showing oneness of essence between Father and Son. In addition, Apostle John mentions in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” Thereby bearing upon the essential unity. It is interesting that whether the word “one” is neuter in gender, or literally, one thing.
Impossible Prophecy Fulfilled

Impossible Prophecy Fulfilled

So when the apostle Matthew mentions a prophecy in Matthew 1:21-23, he is quoting from the prophet Isaiah written in 700BC (before Christ incarnate). Is that not mind blowing? The prophecy states in Isaiah 7:14, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
Spiritual Comfort in Earthly Troubles

Spiritual Comfort in Earthly Troubles

It is impossible to conceive a Saviour more suited to the wants of man’s heart than our Lord Jesus Christ—suited not only by His power, but by His sympathy—suited not only by His divinity, but by His humanity.
The faith of a thief

The faith of a thief

The disciples had seen mighty signs and miracles. They had seen the dead raised with
a word—and lepers healed with a touch —the blind receiving sight—the dumb made to speak—the lame made to walk. They had seen thousands fed with a few loaves and fishes. They had seen their Master walking on the water as on dry land.
Lazy Clergymen

Lazy Clergymen

How many clergymen work hard in their profession for a few years, and then become lazy and indolent from the love of this present world?
A New Creation

A New Creation

Are my affections dead toward the world and alive toward God? What engages my mind in seasons of recreation? Can I truthfully say, “How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth” (Psalm 119:103). Is communion with God my highest joy? Is the glory of God dearer to me than all the world contains?
The New Man Created for Good Works

The New Man Created for Good Works

The drive of man to establish himself by his own efforts, even when these efforts are religious in character, belongs to the sphere of the old man. Yet there is a place for good works.
God’s Presence is Dreadful

God’s Presence is Dreadful

The presence of God is a dreadful and a fearful thing; yes, his most gracious and merciful appearances; how much more then when he shows himself to us as one that dislikes our ways, as one that is offended with us for our sins?