The baptism in the Holy Spirit is regarded as an experience that usually occurs after conversion. Pentecostals believe at conversion a Christian receives the Holy Spirit. However only at the subsequent baptism in the Holy Spirit does the Christian receive the fullness of the Spirit and the full empowerment for Christian service. Most Pentecostals believe that Spirit-baptism is always accompanied with the gift of speaking in tongues as evidence for the baptism. Thus one can be a genuine Christian yet not be baptised in the Holy Spirit.
We Believe In The Holy Spirit – Lesson 2
Focuses on the Holy Spirit\’s activity in the creation as a whole.
We Believe In The Holy Spirit – Lesson 3
Explores the Holy Spirit\’s work within the community of God\’s covenant people.
We Believe In The Holy Spirit – Lesson 4
Looks at the Holy Spirit\’s work of applying salvation to individual believers.
We Believe In Jesus – Lesson 1
Explores the role of God the Son throughout redemptive history.
We Believe in Jesus – Lesson 3
Explores Jesus\’ fulfillment of the Old Testament office of prophet.
We Believe In Jesus – Lesson 4
Explores Jesus\’ fulfillment of the Old Testament office of priest.
We Believe In Jesus – Lesson 5
Explores Jesus\’ fulfillment of the Old Testament office of king.
We Believe In God – Lesson 1
Introduces how evangelical systematic theologians have approached some of the most basic issues related to understanding who God is and what he does.