Free Book: Are there apostles today?

When considering the five-fold ministries, the average believer can understand that pastors care for their flock, evangelists preach to the unconverted, teachers instruct their students, and prophets prophesy the Word of God. But what do apostles do to show they are apostles? Are there apostles today?

Has your pastor gone into hiding?

How can people maintain a quality of true community in the midst of such pressures? From the point of view of mission; Zoom, WhatsApp etc. can offer opportunities for the intelligent proclamation of the Christian gospel. But could never replace the personal contact?

No Christianity without Christ’s Death

Jesus Christ is this suffering servant, but Jesus’ death, while necessary, was not the end. There would have been no Christianity without His resurrection, this is central to the entire New Testament. For Jesus was declared the Son of God with power through his resurrection

God’s Love is not Promiscuous

When God promised His people that He would judge their sin, and when He kept His promise and judged them, He was acting in accord with His character. He is a just God, and only someone who is unjust would allow people to commit crimes and acquit them indefinitely. God’s wrath against sin arises from His goodness and holiness.

The Perpetual Fire

If the perpetual fire represents God\’s eternal presence with his people, the Christian is reminded to keep the divine fire ever burning within him. In the words of Paul, \”Do not quench the Spirit\” (1 Thessalonians 5:16ff.). If it speaks of our abiding need for atonement, we are reminded that Christ \”always lives to make intercession\” for us (Hebrews 7:25).

How we got the Bible?

For centuries, men have treated the Bible with reverence, awe and respect while at the same time other men have gone to great lengths to discredit it and if possible, even destroy it.

Spiritual Debts Written-Off…

The burnt offering uses a personal picture: of man the guilty sinner who deserves to die for his sin and of the animal dying in his place. God accepts the animal as a ransom for man. The sin offering uses a medical model: sin makes the world so dirty that God can no longer dwell there. The blood of the animal disinfects the sanctuary in order that God may continue to be present with his people. The reparation offering presents a commercial picture of sin. Sin is a debt which man incurs against God. The debt is paid through the offered animal.

Holier than the Popes

For Paul every Christian is a walking shrine, a temple for the Holy Spirit in which God is to be glorified (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Like the Old Testament tabernacle the Christian enjoys the permanent presence of the Spirit, but just as the old shrine enjoyed a special manifestation of God\’s glory from time to time, so the Christian should be filled with the Spirit and display God\’s glory to the world (cf. Acts 6:15: 7:55- 56; 2 CorInthians. 3; Ephesians 5:18).

Sermon Prep Class tonight at 6pm (GMT)

An introduction to the basics of sermon construction and delivery. This is not primarily a course on the theology of preaching, but rather is a practical introduction to the tools, structures, and concepts that help preachers learn to put a sermon together.