Revive Your Outreach: Dynamic Evangelism Training Course

The invitation of Jesus is a revolutionary call to fight for the heart of humanity. We are called to an unconventional war using only the weapons of faith, hope, and love. Nevertheless, this war is no less dangerous than any war ever fought.

And for those of us who embrace the cause of Christ, the cost to participate in the mission of God is nothing less than everything we are and everything we have.

Origins of the Christmas Tree

Depending on family tradition, the tree brought into the house is now festively decorated and referred to as the \”jultree,\” \”light tree,\” \”Christmas tree,\” or \”Christ tree.\” How many people are aware that this practise was long reviled by the church? Numerous sources in folk literature mention the fact that the

25th December…why?

The Philocalian Calendar or Chronograph of 354 lists Rome\’s consuls from 255 to 352, Roman bishops from 255 to 352, and martyrs\’ anniversaries. It is the first document to mention Christmas. The list of martyrs begins with the birth of Christ on December 25, whereas the list of consuls begins on Friday, the fifteenth day of the new moon. The list of Roman bishops concludes with the two most recent bishops out of order, indicating that it was compiled in 336, before these additions, and that the city was already celebrating Christ\’s birth as a festival at the time.

Can Christians lose their salvation?

This question of whether a person can lose his salvation is not an abstract question. It touches us at the very core of our Christian lives, not only with regard to our concerns for our own perseverance, but also with regard to our concern for our family and friends, particularly those who seemed, for all outward appearances, to have made a genuine profession of faith.

Christological Heresies: NESTORIANISM

At Council of Chalcedon in 433. The assembled bishops declared Christ was two natures in one person. \”We all with one voice confess our Lord Jesus Christ one and the same Son, at once complete in manhood, truly God and truly man, consisting of a reasonable soul and body; of one substance with the Father as regards his Godhead, of one substance with us as regards his manhood, like us in all things, apart from sin…\”

Christological Heresies: DOCETISM

Docetism is an ancient heresy that says Jesus was not fully human. According to Docetism, he seemed to be human, but because Jesus was fully divine, he had no physical body. The form people saw was essentially a ghost.

Be a man!

An irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God, proceeding from ignorance . . . a belief in magic or chance, or the like is the definition of superstition.

What did Jesus Preach?

The Gospels indicate that Jesus’ full humanity as David’s heir, and full divinity as the ruler of the universe, relate closely to his role as Christ and to the “good news” or “gospel” he announced.