Ultimately, the last days when people spend time drinking and getting married, not knowing when Jesus would return, is a reminder that life is short and that we should make the most of the time we have. Whether we choose to focus on the fear of the future or the joy of the present, we should strive to live our lives with purpose and meaning, always ready for whatever surprises the future may hold.
Christian perspective on Cohabiting, or living together as an unmarried couple
Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.\” This verse emphasises the importance of marriage and sexual purity within the context of a committed relationship.
Sign of the Times: Understanding the Urgency
Jesus\’ comparison of the days of Jonah and Sodom to the present time serves as a warning to his listeners to be ready for the coming judgment and to repent of their sins. It also emphasises the importance of listening to the message of Jesus and responding to it with repentance and faith.
Ephesians 4:11 – Gifts NOT Offices
The interpretation of Ephesians 4:11 as gifts rather than offices is a valid one, and that the roles mentioned in the passage should be understood as gifts that are given to individuals for the benefit of the Body of Christ.
Christian Children Losing their Faith
Losing faith is a common experience among Christian children as they grow older. The reasons behind this loss of faith are complex and multifaceted. Parents can take proactive steps to help prevent their children from losing their faith by encouraging a personal relationship with God, teaching critical thinking skills, leading by example, fostering meaningful relationships within the church, and teaching a theology of suffering.
Do you know of Constantine\’s mother Helena?
The church is not trapped by the physical buildings that Helena started, but rather has continued to develop and adapt to new cultural and historical contexts. While these physical structures remain important symbols of the faith and an important part of Christian history and tradition, they are just one aspect of a vibrant and dynamic faith community that continues to grow and change over time.
Don\’t miss out on this opportunity to spread the gospel and plant home groups in the UK. Contact us today to learn more and to apply to be a part of this exciting outreach program.
Jesus Found in Hindu Scriptures
The Hindu portrayal of Jesus Christ can serve as a powerful defense for Christianity, highlighting the universal need and relevance of Jesus\’ teachings and the transformative power of his sacrifice on the cross to bring life to those dead to God.
From I Do to I Don\’t in Troubled Marriages
Marriage is a sacred union between two imperfect individuals, and it is no surprise that troubled marriages are becoming increasingly common in today\’s society. However, as Christians, we have access to the guidance of God\’s word and the work of the Holy Spirit to help us navigate these challenges.
Beyond Appearances: Prioritising Talent and Ability over Skin Colour in Church Settings
The church is supposed to be a place where all believers are welcome, regardless of race, ethnicity, or social status. However, the reality is that prejudice and discrimination still exist in many churches, often leading to the unfair treatment of certain individuals or groups. In particular, the issue of prejudice treatment can arise when a person\’s giftings or talents are overlooked in favour of their skin colour.