MODESTY: The fashion Statement of the Soul

MODESTY: The fashion Statement of the Soul

In a world where fashion fads come and go like the tides, where pop culture and the media determine what is 'hot' and 'not,' the concept of modesty stands as a beacon of ageless virtue and inner beauty. Modesty is more than just covering up or adhering to a set of rules; it is an outward show of humility, respect, and reverence. The invitation to embrace modesty resounds throughout the hallways of our souls, amid the clamour of society demands and the clamour for attention.
Culture Clash: Unmasking the Curry of Unchristian Behaviours in Indian Christianity

Culture Clash: Unmasking the Curry of Unchristian Behaviours in Indian Christianity

Within the tapestry of Indian Christianity, the vibrant colours of culture intermingle with the threads of faith. However, in the midst of this beautiful fusion, we must acknowledge that certain unchristian behaviours have found their way into churches today. Influenced by the cultural landscape of India, these behaviours can distort the true essence of Christianity and hinder its transformative power. From caste-based discrimination to ritualistic practices, the unmasking of these behaviours is crucial for fostering an authentic expression of the Christian faith. #indianchristianity