If God exists, then we are accountable to Him for our actions. If God does not exist, then we can do whatever we want, without having to worry about God judging us. That is why many of those who deny the existence of God cling strongly to the theory of naturalistic evolution—it gives them an alternative to believing in a Creator God.
Your kingdom come the doctrine of eschatology – Lesson 1
Looks at how God\’s plan for history leads to the ultimate goal of completing his kingdom.
Your kingdom come the doctrine of eschatology – Lesson 2
Considers how individual human beings experience the events of the last days.
Your kingdom come the doctrine of eschatology – Lesson 3
Explores what the Bible says about Christ\’s \”second coming\” and its relationship to events that lead to the end of the age.
What Is man – Lesson 1
Explores what human beings were like when God first created us and placed us in the Garden of Eden.
What Is Man – Lesson 3
Examines what the Bible says about human sin, and especially its negative effects on humanity.
Making biblical decisions – Lesson 1
Establish a definition of Christian ethics, examine the threefold criteria of good works and present a biblical threefold process for making ethical decisions.
Making biblical decisions – Lesson 3
Explore the proper standards for ethical decisions by investigating the divine authorship and the attributes of Scripture.
Making biblical decisions – Lesson 5
Focuses on how a proper understanding of situations can help us understand God\’s revelation.