The Apostles\’ Creed – Lesson 2

This lesson addresses the basic idea of God, looking at some general things the Bible teaches about his existence and nature. It focuses on the phrase \”Father Almighty,\” paying attention to some distinctive qualities of the first person of the Trinity. And it explores the Father\’s role as the Maker, or creator, of everything that exists.

Exodus is linked to Genesis

The loyal love and dependable grace of this covenant-making God to his promises dominated the transition between these ages. He had heard Israel’s groanings in Egypt, and his interest in them and action on their behalf were summed up as a “remembering” of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (2:24).

God who sees

I\’m the God who sees you in the wilderness
Sees you in your brokenness
When your feeling lonely
I\’m the God who sees
In the desert places, in your empty spaces
I\’m the God who sees
I\’m nearer than you dare believe
Here in the very air you breathe
I\’m the God who sees, you

Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 6:10-18 regarding putting on the armour of God. When the important points in these verses are considered in its context as well as that of other Scriptures, then we find that: There is no mention of a war in which the believer must attack Satan and his demonic forces. The opposite is rather true. Our fight is a defensive one, not an offensive one. The distinction is made by the type of sword in verse 17. It is not the heavy sword used by the Roman soldiers when they attacked, but the short dagger-type sword they used in defence and close combat. 

How Much Faith Do You Need For Healing?

Christ has become merely a means to an end, and believers are induced to come to the Master\’s table, not to experience fellowship and intimacy with the Master, but to enjoy what is on the Master\’s table. In sharp distinction to this message, the Jesus of the Scriptures is not a means to an end; He is the end (cf. Phil. 3:7-8). McCullough writes, “the church is more often influenced by cultural trends than theological commitments. Our obsession with self has led us astray into the temple of idols: in particular the god-of-my-comfort, and the god-of-my-success.” Shakespeare says it most succinctly, “you pay a great deal too dear for what\’s given freely.”

“…made of one blood all nations of men”

As by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one [’by one man,’ v.15] shall many be made righteous.\” The same nature that transgressed must work out the remedy. This truth is reiterated in 1 Corinthians 15:21: \”For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.\” Our ruin could not be restored, nor deliverance from our guilt be effected, except by one in our own nature.

Adam’s children are delinquents – [Children of Hell]

This has been the curse of Adam’s sons— in every generation and in all parts of the earth. The calamity of evil which then descended upon the world continues to this day. Despite how sophisticated mankind believes to have arrived, the age-old curse of slavery to sin and their judgement to death can never be wiped clean on their own merits. Thus Adam and Eve’s children are equally involved in the sentence of the pain of childbirth, the curse on the ground, the obligation to live by toil and sweat, the decay and death of the body.

In Christ?

Martin Luther thought that the heart of religion lies in the pronouns: “The Son of God gave himself for me.” By way of contrast, modern evangelical theololgians often give pride of place to the preposition: “in, into, with, and through Christ.”