This has been the curse of Adam’s sons— in every generation and in all parts of the earth. The calamity of evil which then descended upon the world continues to this day. Despite how sophisticated mankind believes to have arrived, the age-old curse of slavery to sin and their judgement to death can never be wiped clean on their own merits. Thus Adam and Eve’s children are equally involved in the sentence of the pain of childbirth, the curse on the ground, the obligation to live by toil and sweat, the decay and death of the body.
Adam’s Rib…
The woman’s creation out of Adam is the basis for her equality. As Matthew Henry quaintly coined it: “not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”
Righteous Living and Honouring God
The fundamental sin, which is the root of all others is the failure to honour, praise and glorify the one and only true God. It is fitting, then, that a life pleasing to God is marked by doing all things in his name, by the desire to honour him in all things.
The destiny of believers in Christ is to be in his image.
“For in him the whole full- ness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority” (Colossians 2:9, 10). Are you empty, in need of God’s forgiveness and righteousness? Then come to him. His fullness will become yours with a “mere” word!
Who is Melchizedek?
The question as to the identity of this mysterious personage, Melchizedek has given rise to a great deal of modern speculation. Some have claimed that he was a theophany, others believe, a literal human being, an angel, or the pre-incarnate Christ and in rabbinical literature.
Jesus the light was present when creation was spoken
There is creation power that can re-create your life. There is eternal life that will turn the midnight of your life into dawn and daylight and life and spring. This is our God. He gives form. He reorders life. He will do it for you
The Pentateuch – starting 8/01/21
This series explores the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy, examining why they were written, what they meant to their original audience, and how we should respond to them today.
In the beginning was God. In the end God will be.
Genesis is about God from first to last — and to read it any other way is to misread it.
The Modern Day Apostles: Threat or Treat?
These apostles and prophets do not want to simply establish themselves as self-styled leaders. It is to bring the kingdom of God to the earth. It is dominion teaching; they see a way to bring that dominion through an alliance with a government that seems to share their agenda-with a country that seems to have a “manifest destiny” and calling by God to bless the nations of the earth. As this movement builds momentum and many churches adopt such teaching the Biblical centred churches will again be persecuted. However, this time not from the World but from the “church.”
Our Cross and His Yoke
To take up this end of our yoke with Christ, in the sense of entering into the ‘fellowship of his suffering, being made conformable unto his death’ is no different essentially from bearing each his own cross as we follow Christ. As an old gospel song says, ‘He always takes the heavy end and leaves the light to me’.