Explores a number of basic issues related to what Exodus meant when it was first written and how we should apply it to our lives today.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 10
Examines the portion of Genesis that deals with Joseph and his troubled relationship with his brothers.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 9
Investigates how God humbled and shaped Jacob into one of the most admired patriarchs of Israel.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 8
Concentrates on responsible ways to draw modern applications from the chapters in Genesis that speak of Abraham.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 7
Explores the original impact these stories were intended to have on the nation of Israel as they followed Moses toward the Promised Land.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 6
Explores the stories that ancient Israelites told about Abraham, their great patriarch.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 5
Examines Genesis 6:9-11:9, describing the direction God established for his people to follow after the great flood in the days of Noah.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 4
Examines Genesis 4:1-6:8, describing how human beings began to fill the world with violence, and how God reacted to those troubles.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 3
Examines Genesis 2:4-3:24, the story of Adam and Eve\’s sin in the garden.
The Pentateuch: Lesson 2
Gives an overview of the primeval history, the literary structure, original meaning and modern application of Genesis 1-11.