The “unity” God!

Our God made us and carries us, and this is in stark contrast to idols that need to be made as well as carried. God looks after His children; idols need looking-after. A god that needs followers for maintenance is not a god but merely a waste of followers’ time and devotion. It is better for it to be thrown into the sea. The living God is He who will deliver and carry you

The Immensity and Omnipresence of God

The God of the Bible is no localised deity, but a universal God. If He possesses an infinite essence, then he has an infinite presence—He is anywhere and everywhere fully. The immensity and omnipresence of God have some very definite applications to believers as well as unbelievers.

The Will of God

“The will of God” has different meanings and we need to define them, for we will misunderstand what the Bible says concerning the will of God. Occasionally, the term “the will of God” refers to the whole moral nature of God.

The Knowledge of God

God’s knowledge is intuitive, not discursive; that is, it is not obtained by reflection or deduction. The Lord did not create this universe and then look out upon it and reason from His creation to the knowledge of it, or indeed of anything else. Intuition is knowledge that He possesses eternally as the Divine. He needs not reason conclusions because He knows all of the conclusions that there ever could be.

Immutability of God

So, why can God not change? When we think of change (e.g. from immaturity to maturity), we know that God does not vary in this way, because he always is. We do mature, although there seems to be no motive for this change to occur. Therefore, God need not change, because He already has everything that is necessary for His own being and does not need to mature into something else. He is completely self-sufficient.

The Eternity of God

Our state of existence will be determined by whether God’s life is inside or not. The location of someone’s eternal existence is what separates the saints from the unbelievers. Nevertheless, both shall live forever because all will have an endless existence. However, this is not eternity, because when we say that God has eternity, it means He has no beginning or ending as humans possess. So, eternity is a reference to the fact that God is an infinite being with respect to time. Psalm 102 gives us a beautiful description of the eternity of God.

Self-Existence of God

When Moses asked God His name, He responded by saying, “I AM THAT I AM”. There is no way in which God may define Himself other than from the standpoint of His essential and eternal being. If He were to define Himself from something that is part of our universe, that would limit Him to something humanly defined. So, all He can say is that He is the absolute being. There is also a relative name that is given in verse 15: “I am the Lord God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. Therefore, the absolute name of God is simply “I AM”.

The Perfections of the Divine Essence

There are two classes of attributes of God: communicable and incommunicable. The incommunicable attributes bear very little relation to human characteristics. For example, no human being is self-existing; no human receives life from himself and perpetuates his own existence.