Paul spoke to the Christians at Ephesus who came to faith in Christ. Paul stated that these Gentiles were once aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise. There is a system of theology called Covenant Theology, which recently originated in the 18th century. Some people joke that they were not made in heaven, but in Holland, for most of the Covenant Theology arose from Dutch Theology. Covenant Theology describes the theology of God on the basis of three Covenants:
Pharaoh Got Your Heart
The Book of Exodus portrays a lesson for us, a depiction of how Christians have gone back to Egypt when they should be in Canaan (the Promised Land), for Jesus Christ has delivered them and translated them into the Kingdom of the Promised Land, the land of rest. But many have been blinded thereby not seeing the difference. For some believe that the Promised Land is a place to which we go, only when we leave this life. However, this is so far from the truth for those who are true believers. Those who are born again into a spiritual kingdom, can make eternity begin here on earth and live right according to the Kingdom of Light, whose ruler is the God of the Bible.
God wants us to be free from bondage
Creator of the universe, beyond all limitations of time and space, who intervenes in history on behalf of a helpless group of slaves. God defeats the ruler of the greatest empire on earth, and leads his oppressed people from that land to freedom.
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