Does God Need Us?

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. (Isaiah 46:10)

Sweet Packing the Gospel

This lack of personal development is just sheer laziness on the part of many, and as a result, the church is happy simply paying someone else to look after their Christianity. If you believe that scripture is not sufficient for your daily living, then I believe it is time to read your Bible.

Does Scripture Change to Culture?

It is sad to hear people say the Bible is no longer relevant for today’s living. The argument they present is that we live in a secular and scientific age where what was appropriate for John and Paul and the other people in the Bible is no longer applicable. This can be seen in the sociological schemes and church growth conferences that advise churches on how to be relevant. It appears that it is no longer enough just to study the Bible for what is being said; we apparently need a special technique to help us grow, in addition to the Word of God. We have churches today spending thousands on advertising and building their “empire” image, instead of investing in the harvest field.

Who is the God of the Bible?

Wrong thoughts about the nature of God invariably lead to wrong actions. I would go so far as to say that the presence of wrong thoughts about God is actually idolatry, for wrong thoughts about God are slanderous to His character. When you entertain wrong thoughts about God, you are attributing to the Lord something that is not true of Him. You are then making up a new god and are essentially creating an idol for yourself. Doing this turns God into something He is not.

The “unity” God!

Our God made us and carries us, and this is in stark contrast to idols that need to be made as well as carried. God looks after His children; idols need looking-after. A god that needs followers for maintenance is not a god but merely a waste of followers’ time and devotion. It is better for it to be thrown into the sea. The living God is He who will deliver and carry you

The Immensity and Omnipresence of God

The God of the Bible is no localised deity, but a universal God. If He possesses an infinite essence, then he has an infinite presence—He is anywhere and everywhere fully. The immensity and omnipresence of God have some very definite applications to believers as well as unbelievers.