Fake News – Is it true?

It was Karl Kraus who said, “The truth is that the newspaper is not a place for information to be given, rather it is just hollow content, or more than that, a provoker of content. If it prints lies about atrocities, real atrocities are the result.” There is no such thing as an objective point of view.

The Redeemer – Lesson 1

In this lesson on Jesus the Redeemer, we\’ll explore the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, during four different periods. First, we\’ll consider his existence and plan in eternity, before the creation of the world. Second, we\’ll survey his activity during the initial period of creation. Third, we\’ll speak about the era of redemption that began after humanity\’s fall into sin and stretches through the present age. And fourth, we\’ll examine the consummation of history that will take place when he returns. Let\’s begin with eternity. 

Modern-day Apostles?

There is much confusion in the contemporary sphere on the subject of apostles. This is mainly due to the climate of deep disagreement and resentment over some Christian leaders who are acknowledged by many to be modern-day apostles.

Communities Fearful to Love

Community life and engagement can have a positive influence on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Community participation provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness. It can also offer extra meaning and purpose to everyday life.

Biblical Covenants

Ever since the Garden of Eden, men have been in sin. Therefore, the New Covenant is designed to prepare the seed for the possession of the promises. It is the Covenant that relates to the forgiveness of sin. When the Lord Jesus Christ came, He inaugurated the New Covenant. At the Last Supper, Jesus took the bread and wine and said, “This is my body which is given for you, and this cup is the New Covenant in my blood, which is shed for you”. In other words, the Lord’s Supper is a symbol of His death.

Lost the Plot

True Christians need to strip the idols from what should be Christ-centred Christianity. I believe that much incorrect understanding and thinking about the God of the Bible will result in wrongful worship. We need to bring people back to the fundamental truths—out of the serious misrepresentation of Christianity—in order to introduce them to true Christianity, which has the power to transform broken lives. I do not claim to be perfect or complete, for God knows that I’m anything but.

Law & Grace – Works of Jesus Christ

The world searches for peace by making agreements with kings, presidents, armies, and countries. However, it never lingers as a solution. Here is the solution: Christ died for all mankind\’s sin and thereby made a way to have peace with our Maker. This is a better sacrifice than any man has made in a war, no matter how valiant, yet it is ignored. It is scoffed at, just as during the day in which it happened. Consider the humiliation that comes along with being accused of a crime that you did not commit.

Reformation Views of Man

Calvin and Luther, both agreed that man was created in the image of God. Luther believed that man lost the image completely in his fall, and Calvin said no, that man did not lose the image of God completely. However, what Calvin believed to remain is a frightful deformity; he believed that man was mutilated and disease ridden. In addition, he further agreed with Luther, believing that it was the Word of God through the saving work of Christ to restore man to the image of God in sanctification.