Scripture refers to the kingdom of God in two primary ways. On the one side, it often speaks of God’s kingdom in terms of God’s unwavering sovereignty or his unchanging rule over all of creation. It also refers to his unfolding kingdom and the way God has revealed his kingship throughout human history.
Divine Authorship of Scripture
Many times Christians find themselves frustrated by their attempts to live ethical lives. They feel helpless and impotent to do what is right and good. In such situations it is a great encouragement to know that learning the Scriptures, reminding ourselves of them, even meditating on the Scriptures, is not an exercise in futility.
Sufficiency of Scripture
Most basically, to say that Scripture is \”sufficient\” is to say that it is able to fulfill the purposes for which it was written. But not surprisingly, this simple idea becomes complicated because it is hard for Christians to agree on what the purpose of Scripture actually is.
God\’s Law in Scripture
Christ fulfills the moral aspects of the law. We depend on Christ\’s morality alone as the basis for our acceptance before God. Yet, we must also conform ourselves to Christ\’s image and example, seeking to live as morally as he did during his earthly ministry, and as he continues to do in heaven.
Lesson 2: The Christ
In this lesson on Jesus the Christ, we will survey the facts and significance of Jesus\’ earthly life and ministry by looking at the periods of his birth and preparation, his public ministry, his passion and death, and finally his exaltation. Each of these portions of Jesus\’ life gives us significant insight into Jesus\’ role as God\’s Christ.
No fluff – Bible School
Much of Christian education is enveloped in costs which place heavy burdens. Our mission is to prepare Christian leaders to lead a transformation of the world into God\’s Kingdom by providing biblical education, for the world, for free.
Knowing God
Coming to “know” God is like meeting a stranger who has come to rescue us from the danger we did not even realise existed.
What if the Big Bang Theory is Wrong?
Let’s suppose that at some point in the future the Big Bang Theory is deemed wrong. Would that mean that the universe is eternal? No, for a number of reasons.
Can Non-Christians Be Saved?
A love of believers in other religions and an appreciation for whatever true and good things there may be in these other religions should not blind us to their errors and defects. If Christ is the only Savior and all the other religions of the world deny this, then logically and necessarily all the other religions are dead wrong about this crucial point. It does not fol- low from this that non-Christians must be condemned, but that they must be told the truth, out of love for them and for the truth