Church is More Than Just a Sunday Show

Church is More Than Just a Sunday Show

More Than Just a Sunday Show! Here, we're not just about singing hymns and nodding off during sermons. No sir, we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of Ephesians 4:13, where unity, knowledge, and the fullness of Christ are our jam. And don't even get us started on Philippians 3:15 – it's like a call to arms for the spiritually mature thinkers among us. But hey, if you've ever felt like a disconnected limb in the body of Christ, fear not! We're calling out the lack of discipleship faster than you can say "Colossians 1:28." Because let's face it, if our leaders are just regurgitating institutionalised mumbo-jumbo without real-life experience, how are they supposed to help us navigate the messy terrain of relationships and past shame?
Examining the Notion that you are “Little Gods” 😂😂🤪

Examining the Notion that you are “Little Gods” 😂😂🤪

The doctrine of "little gods" presents a theological challenge to orthodox Christian beliefs, diverging from foundational principles rooted in Scripture. While proponents of this doctrine often cite passages such as Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34-36 to support their assertions regarding humanity's divine potential, critical examination reveals significant contradictions with biblical truth. As Christians engage in theological dialogue and interpretation, it is imperative to uphold the truth of God's Word and remain grounded in the foundational principles of Christian faith.
Faiths in Contrast: Christianity vs. Latter-day Saints

Faiths in Contrast: Christianity vs. Latter-day Saints

In comparing Christianity with LDS beliefs, it's crucial to discern the fundamental disparities in theological frameworks and interpretations of core Christian doctrines. While surface-level similarities in terminology may exist, such as "God," "Jesus," and "atonement," the underlying meanings and narratives diverge profoundly. Christianity centers on the sovereignty of God, the total depravity of humanity, and salvation by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Conversely, LDS theology introduces unique doctrines, including the concept of eternal progression, which fundamentally alters traditional Christian understandings of God and humanity. Moreover, while Christianity emphasises salvation by grace alone and the sufficiency of Christ's atonement, LDS doctrine incorporates elements of works-based salvation and additional scriptures beyond the Bible. These discrepancies underscore the importance of theological clarity and discernment when engaging with different religious perspectives.
An Open Letter to Jesus

An Open Letter to Jesus

Dear Jesus, Hope this letter finds you well, wherever you are these days. We thought it might be good to touch base and update you on how things are going down here on Earth. You know, since you left and all. The Church (Earth Branch)
Timeless Mission of Discipleship

Timeless Mission of Discipleship

Christians should understand that the essence of discipleship lies in embracing the teachings of Jesus Christ and following His example. This entails a commitment to upholding the integrity of biblical principles, even if they stand in contrast to prevailing cultural norms. Instead of conforming to the ever-changing landscape of pop culture, churches should remain steadfast in proclaiming the unchanging truths of the Gospel.
Unveiling the Symbolism of the Ambulance’s Serpent on a Pole

Unveiling the Symbolism of the Ambulance’s Serpent on a Pole

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, symbols often pass by unnoticed, their deeper meanings obscured by the rush of modernity. One such symbol, seemingly commonplace yet steeped in profound biblical significance, is the image of a serpent entwined around a pole—the very emblem adorning ambulances worldwide. While many may overlook this symbol as mere medical insignia, its roots delve deep into ancient scriptures, carrying echoes of divine judgment and boundless mercy.
Exposing the Decline: Brain-drain in Bible Doctrine

Exposing the Decline: Brain-drain in Bible Doctrine

The void created by the lack of basic Bible doctrine in churches is a pressing concern that demands attention. It’s imperative to shift the focus back to the essence of shepherding, rooted in authentic leadership and a commitment to imparting the timeless truths found in scripture. By doing so, churches can foster a spiritually robust congregation, less susceptible to the pitfalls of marketing and manipulative leadership methodologies.
A Divine Guide to Christian WhatsApp Etiquette

A Divine Guide to Christian WhatsApp Etiquette

An analysis of Christian behaviour on WhatsApp, the article dissects various archetypes, from the Mystic Ticker to the Weekend Worshipper, shedding light on their peculiar messaging habits. The narrative concludes with a divine guide urging Christians to respond promptly, maintain consistent communication, avoid leech-like behaviour, and carry the spirit of Sunday throughout the week.
Biblical Authority in a Secular Age

Biblical Authority in a Secular Age

The article explores the pervasive influence of secular ideologies on the Christian mindset in contemporary society. It delves into the consequences of prioritising personal perspectives over biblical authority, citing the impact of a 'Hollywood theology' and a secularised ethical approach.
The Economy of Christian Compassion

The Economy of Christian Compassion

As we witness the integration of worldly methodologies, concerns arise about the potential commodification of spiritual experiences. The meticulous measurement of time and efforts within the church context raises questions about whether the focus on quantifiable outputs aligns harmoniously with the fundamental principles of communal worship.